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Moving / Inteligent Lights

Hire Behringer Powerplay Pro-XL HA4700.

Hire price from : £5.00
Hire Clay Paky Alpha Beam 300.

The Clay Paky, ALPHA BEAM 300 produces a super concentrated parallel light beam for a very similar use to that of an Par64 ACL, always present at all the great Rock shows, but with decidedly superior and innovative characteristics

Hire price from : £50.00
Hire Clay Paky Alpha Spot 700 HPE.

This luminaire is the smallest 700 W spotlight available, weighing only22 kg. The 700 W lamp provides a level of brightness equal, if not greater, than that seen with higher wattages. The Alpha Spot HPE 700 houses an array of optical and graphic fx.

Hire price 0
Hire Martin Mac 600.

Hire price from : £50.00